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For centuries cadaveric dissection has been a cornerstone of medical anatomy education. However, time and financial limitations in modern, compressed medical curricula, coupled with the abundance of alternate modalities, have raised questions about the role of dissection. This study was designed to explore student perceptions of the efficacy of a dissection program for learning musculoskeletal anatomy, and possible adaptations for appropriate inclusion of dissection in the modern medical curricula. A paper-based questionnaire was used to collect data from 174 medical students after completion of cadaveric dissections. Data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Students strongly believed that cadaver-based learning is essential to anatomy education and modern teaching modalities only complement this. Moreover, most students reported that dissection provided an additional, immersive learning experience that facilitated active learning and helped in developing manual competencies. Students with previous dissection experience or an interest in anatomy-related specialties were significantly more likely to attend dissection sessions. Students found that the procedural dissection components enhanced the knowledge of applied anatomy and is beneficial for the development of clinical skills. They welcomed the idea of implementing more procedure-based dissections alongside lectures and prosections-based practical (PBP) sessions. Cadaveric dissection plays an integral role in medical anatomy education. Time restraints and an increased focus on clinical significance, however, demand carefully considered adaptations of existing dissection protocols. The introduction of procedure-based dissection offers an innovative, highly engaging and clinically relevant package that would amalgamate skills essential to medical practice while retaining the benefits that have allowed dissection to stand the test of time.  相似文献   
中央苏区时期毛泽东对民生问题的思考、有关论述以及践行蕴含了极为丰富的民生思想。尽管这一思想是以后才明确丰富起来的,但在中央苏区时期就显出其雏形。它的产生有着深厚的历史、理论和实践渊源:以我国传统文化中的民本思想为历史之源;以马克思主义唯物史观为理论之源;以科学总结我国革命斗争经验为实践之源。  相似文献   
学术界一致认为,魏源治经好求圣人的微言大义,其著《诗古微》主要目的在于阐发三家诗所蕴含的《春秋》微言大义,抒发自己的政治思想。魏源《诗古微》对《春秋》微言大义的阐扬,主要体现在发掘《诗经》四始的微言大义;调整十五国《国风》的次第,从而阐扬《春秋》尊王大义;发掘《诗经》当中的"夷夏之辨"思想。文章对这一问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
160多年来,科学社会主义在“什么是社会主义”问题上,经历了从马克思到邓小平,从一国到多国的曲折探索。只有当代中国的马克思主义——邓小平理论,在科学社会主义发展史上首次从三个层面完整准确地回答了“什么是社会主义”。当前在如何正确认识“什么是社会主义”的问题上,我们首先要看到探索社会主义历程的曲折性与长期性:其次要完整全面地理解“什么是社会主义”;最后要批判地看待一些非马克思主义的社会主义观.  相似文献   
采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对7490名深圳职业技术学院大学生心理健康教育,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对7490名大一学生进行心理健康普查,与全国大学生常模进行比较,对性别、生源地、家庭不同群体进行比较。结果显示我校大一学生心理健康状况整体良好,优于全国大学生常模;心理问题检出率为7.01%;强迫症状、人际关系敏感、敌对问题突出;女生的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖症状比男生突出。农村生源与城市生源学生除了敌对,其他因子均差异非常显著;家庭不和谐学生心理问题比家庭和谐学生严重。应及时对大一学生开展心理健康普查,并有针对性地对开展心理健康教育和心理咨询服务,以提高90后高职大学生的心理健康水平。  相似文献   
数据结构是高等院校计算机专业的一门重要的专业课。就目前普遍采用的面向过程的教学方式的弊端,提出了进行对象化的教学方式。结合我院实践,提出了一系列的教学步骤,并对此作了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
Every word has its meaning,which includes both surface meaning and deep meaning.To achieve certain pragmatic effects,speakers often have certain intention when saying something.People in different cultures think differently with the same utterance,which is attributed to intercultural difference.  相似文献   
产生于西汉初年的《韩诗外传》杂采先秦百家,其渊源所自向来难以确指,但历来人们所论,多局限于其与《荀子》的关系而忽略了《外传》对其它各家的采纳,尤其是《韩诗外传》体现出的鲜明的尊孟倾向,目前鲜有论及。了解《韩诗外传》对待孟子的尊崇态度,这不仅对把握《孟子》在韩婴学术构成中的分量具有积极意义,而且对理清汉代诗学渊源、重新考查孟子在汉代诗学承传过程中的地位,也有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   
马克思的两部类再生产模型中的各部类和全社会最高与最低积累率问题,是尚未获得完满解决的难点问题。本文运用单调函数的性质和求函数最大、最小值方法,通过解析,给出了静态意义下的各部类和全社会最高及最低积累率与两个部类结构参数的函数关系式。并且引用和借鉴《资本论》中的举例,对给出的函数关系式做了算例验证。  相似文献   
在中华民族的抗日战争中,国民党在组织正面战场的同时也开展了敌后游击战。国民党的敌后抗日游击战是以失败告终的。文章从乡村政权建设的视角分析了国民党敌后游击战走向失败的原因:国民党虽然在基层政府建构、基层政党建设、基层社团控制等方面加强了敌后乡村政权建设的力度,但其所采取的政策违背了敌后人民的利益,得不到敌后人民的支持,因而未能建立稳固的乡村政权。国民党乡村政权建设的失败是其敌后游击战难以长期坚持,最后走向失败的重要原因。  相似文献   
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